The Ingathering of...Truth based on a ma'amar in Imrei Shaul, Parshas Chukas "V'Asaf ish tahor es eifer haParah - And a man who is tahor [pure] shall gather the ashes of the [red] heifer" [Bamidbar, 19:9] The Ba'al HaTurim points out two other instances of the use of the word "V'Asaf" in Scripture: " V'Asaf HaMetzora - and gather in [heal] the Metzora" [one afflicted with a spiritual disease similar to leprosy], [Melachim II, 5:11]; and "V'Asaf nidchei Yisrael - Hashem will gather in the dispersed ones of the Jewish People" [Yeshayahu, 11:12]. The Mishna [at the end of Sotah] says that at the time just before Moshiach comes, "HaEmes ne'ederes - the Truth will be absent." The Gemara [Sanhedrin 97a] explains that this means that "Truth will gather into flocks [adarim, related to the word ne'ederes] and go." Reb Shaul is puzzled by this. If the Truth is in flocks, there is an abundance of it - how could that be an explanation of "the Truth will be absent"? The Hebrew word for Truth, Emes, consists of three letters: Aleph, the first letter of the alphabet, Mem, the middle letter, and Sof, the last one. Reb Shaul explains that this indicates for the Truth to be complete, it must be unchanging from beginning to end. That is, from the beginning thought, through to the realm of speech, and into the sphere of action. The thoughts of one's heart must be pure, as in our tefilla [prayer], "V'Taheir libeinu l'avdecha b'Emes - Purify our hearts to serve You in Truth." Our speech should be in consonance with our thoughts, as in the prayer, "Man should...acknowledge the Truth, and speak the Truth in his heart," meaning that his speech should be in accord with his heart. One's actions should certainly agree with his speech ["to do as one says"]. These three aspects of the human being correspond to the letters that form the word "Emes - Truth." The Aleph, as head of the alphabet, corresponds to the realm of thought, which must precede any thought or deed. The Mem, the middle letter, represents speech, the intermediary between thought and action. Deeds are signified by the letter Sof, the last letter of the alphabet. If these three aspects are not in accord with one another, they become like "many flocks" and the Truth goes -- away. From the verse [Micha, 7:20], "Grant Truth to Yaakov," our Sages learn that Yaakov is the source of Truth. That's why, says Reb Shaul, the verse says about him, "all the flocks gathered there" [Breishis, 29:3]. Reb Shaul points out that three flocks were there, an allusion to the three aspects - thought, speech and action. All these gathered together, meaning each of these aspects was in accord with the others, which resulted in complete Truth. This too is alluded to in the threefold use of the term "V'Asaf", as mentioned by the Baal HaTurim, as follows. In our Parsha, "V'Asaf ish tahor - a man who is tahor shall gather," refers to the purity of heart, and the thoughts which emanate therefrom. The word da'as - knowledge, is described by our Sages as referring to the Seder [section of Mishna] of Taharos, dealing with purity. "V'Asaf HaMetzora" - the ingathering and healing of the Metzora, refers to the tikkun [rectification] of speech. We know that the word "Metzora" indicates "Motzi Ra" - one who "brings out evil" by slanderous speech and gossip. The ingathering of the dispersed of Israel is the tikkun of deed, as the verse says, "Yismach Hashem b'ma'asav - Hashem will rejoice in His deeds (creatures)" [Tehillim, 104:31]. The future tense [will rejoice] is used, to refer to the future ingathering of the exiles. Finally, Reb Shaul reveals an amazing gematria [numerical equation]. Three times the gematria [numerical value of the letters] of "V'Asaf" [3 x 147] gives us the same value as the word, "Emes" [441]. (Translator's note: Also, the length of Yaakov Avinu's life was 147 years). May we all merit gathering in our thoughts, speech and deeds in Truth. Translated by Reb Yitzchak Dorfman of Yerushalayim, a Modzitzer Chassid!